Preparing for Preschool
Although Joshua’s preschool starts in July, it doesn’t hurt to start preparing him early so he knows what to expect when school starts. Summer is almost over so we should start his school routine soon.
Check out the article by What To Expect to know how you can ease your toddler’s way to preschool…
Your little one’s about to take a big step. Maybe it’s just half a day, but it’s also the first day of the first year of a school career that will last many years. As proud as you are of your pint-sized pupil (and as precious as she looks with her brand-new backpack on), you may also be feeling anxious — especially if this is her debut away from home without you — and a tad sad about letting go. Her feelings may be all over the emotional map, too — she may be excited one moment, apprehensive the next. Knowing that topsy-turvy emotions are only natural when change is in the air can help both of you adjust — and so can some smart preschool prep. Here, tips to ease the first day of preschool jitters: