My Mommy Journey can help you!
My Mommy Journey gives tips and tricks to help you solve these daily parenting challenges.
The Website…
Has parenting tips and lessons researched from experts on how to deal with our parenting struggles.
The Blog…
Has more personal tips that I learned through my own parenting experience. These are my stories.
Both the site and blog will help you find solutions on how to make the best of this parenting journey.

Hi, I Am Ida Delos Reyes!
My difficult journey to becoming a mother is the reason why I am so passionate about parenting.
I only have 1 child and that means I will only go through this parenting journey once. I don’t want to bungle it.
Parenting is full of ups and downs and I document them through my blog in hopes of helping other moms who experience the same might learn from my own parenting journey.
I share my true-to-life parenting stories where you can draw takeaways from my “Aha!” moments and mistakes.
I hope My Mommy Journey will help you deal with the ups and downs, joys and pains, challenges and rewards of this world called “Parenthood.”
Read My Story...

My own “mommy journey” started in my late 30’s…
I am an Interior Designer and Back-up Singer by profession. I was busy with my own Interior Design company but after 10 years, I closed it down.
Why? I wanted to be a mother. I was turning 40 and the clock is definitely ticking.
After several rounds of infertility treatments, my husband and I decided to do IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) in Taiwan. It was no walk in the park!
I was pricked with countless injections, daily blood extractions, and ingested bagfuls of medications. Not to mention the daily trans-vaginal ultrasounds (Sorry too much info!) and acupuncture needles summed up how desperate I was to be a mom.
After 1 failed IVF round and then doing FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) on our 2nd round, we finally became pregnant! We were going to have twin boys, woohoo!
But Twin A lost its heartbeat at 9 weeks in utero. We named him Pio Joseph. What a heartbreak!
Finally, after a high-risk pregnancy, gestational diabetes (with finger pricks!), bed rest, and bed pan encounters, I became a mommy at age 42. We had a beautiful baby boy named Joshua Michael.
Now I relish being a stay-at-home mom and I turned to blogging to document my parenting journey. I only work every Sunday as a Back-up Singer for a popular noontime TV variety show. So I have time to be mommy.
I love doing kid activities with Joshua, having mother-son dates after school, spending 8 hours swimming with him at the beach (yes, he’s a little merman!), riding horses, watching cartoons, doing “huggle-snuggles” upon waking up, baking cookies, making pizza from scratch, reading bedtime stories, and all the other “Mom stuff!”
I want to be hands-on in his growing up years. I have been a PTA (Parents-Teachers Association) officer since his Junior Nursery year. This gives me opportunities to be involved in his school. I want him to remember that his Mama is always present in important events in his life.
I am focused on parenting because I want to ensure that my son will grow up to be the kind of person God willed him to be. He is the only survivor among 8 embryos and several failed pregnancy attempts. God must have a great plan for his life.
It is up to us, parents, to help our children be equipped to fulfill that glorious plan, to propel them to fly to what the future holds for them. They will be great!

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