I attended the Parent Orientation of Joshua’s school last week. We were given an overview of what to expect, what activities the kids will be doing, what to bring, etc.
One thing that struck me most was when the teacher told us not to put extra diapers in our kid’s bag. Whaaat? I immediately imagined Joshua leaking his diaper during play time or school activities with no extra diaper to change him into… Oh no!
The teacher said the reason was they will try to toilet train the kids while in school. Ohh…
So I think the next step for us Preschool Parents would be to try ##potty training our toddler. How do we know when they are ready to be potty trained? Here’s a great video that tells us the 3 Signs Of Readiness For Toilet Training.
When is the right time to start toilet training? After changing about 5,000 diapers, you may wonder if your child will ever use the potty. I promise it will be before she goes to prom. But toilet training is a developmental milestone. So it will happen when your child is ready, not when you’re ready. No parent can make a toddler eat, sleep or poop on the potty. It’s just less stressful for everyone to wait until a child is prepared.
Photo Source / Desaturated from original