#Travel time! Joshua will only have 2 days of school this week because of national holidays. So we’re off to Baguio yehey! I’d like for him to ride a horse again since he enjoyed it so much last time we were there in December.
Since it’s going to be several hours worth of travel by car, I’m sure he will be bored after he gets tired of pointing out everything he sees on the road. So here’s an article that will help solve the problem of kids asking every minute, “Are we there yet?”
When #traveling with kids, there’s a sentence we use to listen every 10 minutes: “Are we there yet?” It’s normal that children expect to be on destiny as soon as possible and it’s difficult to explain it without getting nervous. So, in these cases, wether we travel by plane, by train or by car, the best option is to define how we’ll keep our children distracted.
Source: kangappblog@wordpress.com