Tips For Being a Happy Stay-at-Home Mom

stay at home moms, habits of moms

stay at home moms, habits of moms

Wow! I really love this piece about “Tips For Being a Happy .” I am one and I love every minute of it (well, most of the time hehe!). I know it’s a privilege to be able to stay home and care for my child but it’s also a lot of hard work. Especially when Joshua starts his tantrums or demands my full attention while I’m busy doing some household chore, I end up “complaining” in my thought bubble. But then I remember that I chose this “career” to be a full-time mom and this makes me realize that I should be thankful instead.

I am blessed to be living with my sisters and a niece in our ancestral house so I get lots of support and help with Joshua. Plus a nanny and house help to keep him safe and entertained when I need to go out of the house is a really big help. But the major part of taking care of all of Joshua’s needs still fall on my shoulders. So I need to develop some of these habits to stay sane and effective as a stay-at-home mom to my son.

So far, I’ve been doing some of these tips already: Hydrate (Morning coffee! And lots of lemon-cucumber-ginger-mint water concoction throughout the day), Exercise (I try to walk 3-4 times a week… “Try” is the word hehe!), Get Help (Joshua’s aunts, cousin and nanny!), Take Time For Themselves (My only “splurge” is a massage which I try to have monthly), Don’t Negotiate with Nap Time (Nap time is sacred to me because I also nap along with him; Plus I get some paperwork and reading done!), and Embrace the Chaos (I haven’t seen my table clear in months!). I need to work on some other tips that are discussed here in this article though, maybe it will help me be more sane than “insane” haha!


Staying at home with your children could be one of the best gifts you can get, and give, but it’s easy to lose sight of how wonderful an experience it can be. Instead of falling into the complaining trap, adopt a few of these habits that highly effective (and sane) stay-at-home moms put into practice every day.


Source: Popsugar Moms

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