Help Your Child Go Potty

potty training book, potty for toddlers

There are so many Books out there for parents to read to help them train their kids. This time around, here are books for you to read to your kids to help them get used to the idea of Potty Training. Yes, these are children’s books! They are targeted for kids so they are worded for kids and well-illustrated. They have rave reviews so many kids have benefited from having them. Some have even memorized them!

Take your pick!

potty training book, potty for toddlersSUPER POOPER!

The colorful illustrations and cute characters will bring fun and laughter to a sometimes frustrating and challenging world of potty training! This book is certain to become a favorite choice of potty training your little one.

This book is pretty simple, but that’s perhaps its virtue. The title “Super Pooper” is repeated throughout the text, leading the child — specifically my son — to say it, too. Now, he also wants to be a “super pooper,” which is exactly what parents want to hear when trying to potty train.


potty training, potty book for toddlersI CAN’T, I WON’T, NO WAY!

“I Can’t, I Won’t, No Way!” is a must have for parents and children coping with the intensity of bowel withholding. This book can be a critical tool for both parents and children attempting to navigate their way through one of the most frustrating aspects of the toilet training process.

Every child is different, but after reading to four…I can’t imagine there isn’t a little guy or gal who wouldn’t love this book! The first thing out of my four-year-old’s mouth was: “That’s silly! He doesn’t want to poop!” He was delighted!


potty story, potty training bookTHE SILLY POTTY STORY (BOYS)

“The Silly Potty Story (for boys)” is a very helpful, amusing, and interactive story about a little boy and his mommy having a silly and engaging talk about where to go potty. 

My toddler son giggled at every page. Thanks to author Vanessa Rouse, we have a simple, upbeat, positive tool to help us solve a not-so-simple transition.



potty training for girls, potty trainingTHE SILLY POTTY STORY (GIRLS)

This story will make potty training fun and help motivate your child in a positive way, so that using the potty amazingly becomes her own choice!

 This book is so fun to read,and I believe your daughter will love answering the silly questions also. And because they are so silly they will help her remember so she will start using the potty. As a mom I love how it reminds her to wash her hands. I’m so glad the author included the part about tossing the diaper out and moving to underwear! I highly recommend!!!

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